3-22 Chest and Biceps

Late in posting

  • Bench 5sets 12-15reps + Straight Bar Curls 5sets 20-25reps (rest pause each)
  • Incline Bench 4sets 12-15reps + DB curls 4sets 12-15reps
  • Hammer Plate Press 4sets 20-25reps + Plate Preacher Curls 4sets 12-15reps
  • Bench 3/50 method
  1. Rest Pause – rest for 10-15 seconds on your last set then try to get as many reps as you can.
  2. Cannonball sets – use a machine for this. Start low weight and do 8 reps. Increase weight until you can no longer do 8 reps then when you can’t hit 8 drop down to your start weight. Keep going until you can’t do your starting weight.
  3. 3/50 Method pick a weight for 3 sets working sets where you are trying to get to a total of 50reps. Do as many as you can each set. When you can hit 50reps in one set add weight.

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